Time Frames

This tab is for managing the time frames that are referenced in other locations in the system. Any that you create here will only be available to yourself as a user. If it is labeled as Shared, then it is a Time Frame created by and Admin or Office Manager to route calls for the business itself.

There are 3 types of Time Frames that you can use; Always, Days of the week and times, and Specific dates or ranges

Always is exactly like it sounds. This option will act as a catch all for any call or route that makes it to it. 

Days of the week and times is for when you want specific times that repeat weekly. Generally used for business hours or anything that happens each week at a specific time.

You would put a check mark next to the days you want to activate and move the slider to cover the time you want this Time Frame to be active. If you want multiple blocks for a specific day, you can click on the + sign to the right of the day and the system will create another time block for that day.

Specific dates or ranges are for exact times and dates that do not repeat. Generally used for holidays, or any specific day you might be out of the office.

You would put the starting date and time in the left field and the ending date and time in the right field. If you want to add more days, you will just click on the + sign next to the first entry and another will be added.