This is the Call Center screen for NOVA 



There are four main parts to this screen 


Call Queue: shows all the active calls in the queue ready to be distributed. 


Active Calls: all the active calls within the last 8 hours. 


Reports button opens up the screen below. 




Here you can print or download reports on your call center. You can change the time frame of the calls you wish to look at with the calendar buttons and change the type of graph you want to view with the drop down menu under the Type button. 


Back on the main Call Center Page, the Stats Grid gives you information of you call center at a glance. For information on what the statistics are, you can hover the mouse over the "i" icon and the platform will give you a small speech bubble telling you what each stat is. 



And last but not least, you have the Agents section. This makes you aware of all the agents ready and logged in to receive calls in your call center. Notice the two entries for Princess Apple? This lets you know that all the phone in that extension's profile are included as possible locations for the agent to be able to pick up a phone call.