Users (Profile)

This part of the User tab is for setting up basic information for a user on the system.

Profile Information

First/Last Name doesn't have to be that, its just what is viewed in the system. Many times we only use a person's first name and their extension number as their last. This helps streamline the management and helps keep things organized for our support. However this can be changed to anything you like.

Login Name is the username used to log into ReachUC as well as the web portal. Try to stay with the formula of ext@domain but you can shorten the name after the @ symbol if it is too long or cumbersome to type in. There can be problems if you pick the same username as someone else on our system.

Departments are more for organization, however sometimes we will have "internal" here. This is used for distinctive ringing. Many customers prefer to know if a call is coming in from the outside versus a call from a coworker. We use the department "internal" to make that distinction in our phones.

User's scope is what type of access this particular user has. Generally they will be basic except for a few users who will have the Office Manager scope that allows the advanced access that you currently have.

Record User's Calls will simply enabled calls in and out from this user to be recorded.

Announce in Audio Directory is very specific. If you have an audio directory set up in an Auto Attendant then this would enable and disable if they are an option there.

List in Directory will enable or disable if this user is displayed in the auto directories of the phones. Sometimes we keep this disabled for users who are never called, like Routing Users or Fax Users.

Caller ID Information

Area Code is only for when users want to use 7 digit dialing on their phones. If a user only uses 7 digits to make a call out, this area could will be added to those numbers.

Caller ID is the number that will be shown when this user calls an external number. Generally it is the main business number unless the specific user has a DID that they want people to reach them back at.

911 Caller ID should not be messed with. We map this to the main telephone number of the company so that if you ever call 911, they have the address you are calling from. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS as there is a large fee that will be charged if telephone number is changed here and it does not have a verified 911 address associated with it. In the example above, 10 zeros will bar 911 calling all together.

Change Account Security

Email Address(es) is where you want to add the user's email. Multiple addresses can be used if you click on the + sign next to the first address. This is how the system will contact the user, be it for voicemail to email, fax confirmations, password resets, etc. You must have the user's current password to change this setting.

New/Confirm/Current Password is where you can go to change the account password for the user. This will effect ReachUC as well as portal access. You must have the user's current password to change it to a new one.

Change Voicemail PIN

This will allow you update/change the user's voicemail PIN. This is the number they use to access their voicemail through the phone's messages button.